Firmware, Drivers & Software

Table Of Contents
Signal Flow Panel
The Signal Flow panel allows you to directly access all blocks within your preset and
congure your signal path routing simply by clicking and dragging. Once you select
any block within the Signal Flow, the Edit panel below provides access to all its
editable parameters. The options oered here are essentially the same as found on
your connected POD Go device’s Home - Edit screen, making editing very straight-
Panel Toggle
Edit/Model Select
Panel Toggle
Selected Block’s
Category and Model
FX Loop
Preset EQ
The Signal Flow panel (Amp/Preamp block selected)
Block Types
The signal path of all POD Go presets include a combination of “Preset” and
“Eects” blocks, as well as Input and Output blocks. It is important to understand
the functions of these block types and their behaviors, as covered below. Also see
“Model Lists” on page 37 for the lists of all models by category.
Preset Blocks
Whenever you load any preset, you’ll see that it always includes a common set
of Preset blocks within the Signal Flow. These blocks include a dedicated model
category type or function, as described below. Even when loading a “New Preset,” it
already includes these pre-congured Preset blocks, as well as the four empty Eects
blocks, and an Input and Output block.
Note that all blocks (other than the Input and Output) can be moved left/right within
the Signal Flow, and can be bypassed/enabled, but Preset blocks are never “empty”
and oer a limited category of models. Please also see your POD Go Owner’s Manual
for more details about block and model types.
Volume - By default, this block is set for the Volume Pedal model—you can
alternatively change the model to Gain, Pan, or Stereo Width. The EXP 2 pedal is
auto congured to control the Volume’s “Position” and the Pan’s “Pan” parameters,
and the block’s Bypass is initially auto assigned to the onboard pedal’s Toe Switch.
Wah - Select your favorite Wah model and have at it. By default, the Wah block’s
Position parameter is auto assigned to the EXP 1 pedal, and its Bypass assigned
to the onboard pedal’s Toe Switch.
TIP: These pre-existing EXP pedal and Toe Switch assignments can be
customized as desired—see “Bypass & Controller Assignment” on page 24.
FX Loop - Utilize the Send and Return jacks on your POD Go device to connect
to and from external gear, and this block provides control over panning and levels.
You can choose a Mono or Stereo FX Loop type block to match your jack routing,
as well as bypass or enable the block as desired.* By default, the FX Loop block’s
Bypass is assigned to Footswitch 2.
*NOTE: It is also possible to congure your Return jack as an Aux. Input, with
the device’s Global Settings > Ins/Outs > Return Type parameter. When
the Return Type parameter is set to Aux In, signal throughput from all inputs
other than the Return jack is muted when the FX Loop block is enabled (and the
Aux in itself remains active regardless of the FX Loop block’s bypass state).
Amp/Preamp - Choose any Amp or Preamp model type, or bypass the block.
Cab/IR - Choose any Speaker Cabinet model, or select the IR category to utilize IR
les that you’ve imported into your IR Library - see “Impulses List” on page 9.
Preset EQ - This yellow block is a dedicated EQ. By default, the Parametric EQ
model is loaded here (and in the bypassed state), but you can optionally choose to
load any other EQ category model type within this block. By default, the Preset EQ
block’s Bypass is assigned to Footswitch 1.
TIP: Need more EQ? You can optionally utilize any of the four Eects blocks to
load EQ category models too.
NOTE: All Distortion, Dynamics, Pitch/Synth, Amp/Preamp, Cab/IR, FX Loop,
and Looper category models (whenever the “Mono” type FX Loop or Looper is
in use) are mono. Any stereo block that is positioned to the left of one of these
mono blocks will result in its output being summed to mono when fed into the mono
block. Therefore, for your stereo eects to be heard in full stereo, you’ll want to
position them to the right of all mono blocks in the signal path. Bypassed blocks do
not collapse any stereo signal fed into them.
Effects Blocks
Clicking on any of the four Eects blocks allows you to choose from any category of
eects or a Looper. Regardless of the model type selected, Eects blocks can always
be moved and toggled between bypassed or enabled. When an Eects block is set to
None (or cleared), the signal passes through it unprocessed.
TIP: An Eects block utilizes DSP power on the device when active or bypassed,
but utilizes no DSP if set to None. Also see “DSP Management & Model
Availability” on page 23.
Input and Output Blocks
Clicking on the Input and Output blocks, just like other block types, displays their
parameters within the Edit panel below, and most parameters can also have controller
and snapshot assignments created on them. Input and Output blocks are not movable
within the Signal Flow.