Firmware, Drivers & Software

Table Of Contents
Preferences Window - Shortcuts
Command Mac PC Function
Open Window
Opens the Preferences window
Close Window
When the Preferences window is open, triggers the Close button to exit the window. You can also use the ESC key to
close the window
Additional Mouse Behaviors
But wait, there's more! To follow are additional time-saving gestures using your mouse wheel or mouse buttons.
Use your mouse wheel while hovering over...
Any block within the Signal Flow to access the block’s Bypass and Clear buttons
Any parameter slider and adjust its value
Any scroll bar to scroll the panel's contents, such as within the Presets and Impulses lists and Edit and Bypass/Controller Assign tabs
The Snapshots menu to load a dierent snapshot
The numerical Tap Tempo control to increment/decrement the tempo value
The Setlist menu to load a dierent setlist
Within the Presets library list, Alt/Option + Left-click (Mac) or Ctrl + Left-click (PC) and drag and drop any preset (or multiple selected presets) to copy into new preset slot
locations, overwriting the presets that currently exist there. (Dragging and dropping a preset without using a modier key moves the preset and reorders them within your
Just try right-clicking (or Ctrl+Left-clicking on Mac) on dierent items within the application, and you may just discover a handy menu of commands you didn’t know about!