Product Datasheet/Brochure

"I hate reading manuals!"
Us too. We're not overly fond of writing them either, especially when so few people
read them. What if we were to make a handful of super-short videos that get you up
and running with your HX Eects™ device in less than ten minutes, and you promise
to not jump online and complain about having to read a manual? Agreed? Go here:ects
"M'eh. Manuals are okay, I suppose."
All right (deep breath)... Thank you for purchasing the Line 6 HX Eects device, one of
the most powerful and exible audio processors ever created. We hope it helps drive
your search for tonal bliss and spawns years of creativity, both on stage and in the
Although the HX Eects unit may appear deep (and it is), it's designed to be used in
two ways—one, like any ol' pedalboard where you choose your stompbox and turn
the knobs, and two, like a highly editable and congurable eects workstation.
Although you’re likely anxious to rip open the plastic and plug in, wait! At the very
least, check out the HX Eects Cheat Sheet that came in the box, and keep it handy.
Then read the "Quick Start" chapter of this manual and we’ll have you up and shred-
ding in no time. Be sure to also visit where we're always adding new
video tutorials covering the latest Line 6 gear!
Common Terminology
While reading this manual, you may encounter several unfamiliar terms. It’s important
to know what they mean. Be careful—we might toss a pop quiz your way.
Blocks are objects that represent various elements of your tone, such
as individual eects, volume pedals, loopers, signal splits and merges,
and Impulse Responses. Each preset can run up to nine simultaneous
blocks, DSP permitting.
Each processing block can accommodate one model. The HX Eects
hardware includes over 100 HX (Helix™) eects models, plus dozens
of Legacy eects models from Line 6 DL4™, DM4™, MM4™, FM4™,
, M9
, and M5
multieects devices.
A preset is a collection of blocks. It consists of all eects, snapshots,
footswitch assignments, controller assignments, and Command
Center messages.
Controllers are used to adjust various parameters in real time. For ex-
ample, the expression pedal can be used to control a wah, or the mod
wheel on your MIDI keyboard can be used to control delay feedback
and reverb depth.
Sends and Returns are used to insert your favorite stompboxes any-
where in the signal ow or for connecting to your guitar amp via "4-
Cable Method". The HX Eects device has two mono sends and re-
turns, which can be paired for stereo operation.
IRs (Impulse Responses) are mathematical functions representing the
sonic measurements of audio systems. The HX Eects hardware can store
up to 128 custom or third-party IRs at a time. See "Impulse Response (IR)"
Updating your HX Effects Device's Firmware
Line 6 is continually improving HX family products. Updating your HX Eects device's
rmware will ensure you always have the newest eects models and features.
IMPORTANT! This manual assumes you've updated your HX Eects device to
at least version 2.50.
If you are using a Windows
computer - You'll need to rst download and
install the Line 6 HX Effects Device Driver, available from
No driver installation is necessary for Mac computers.
1. Download and install the latest version of the Line 6
Updater application from
2. Connect your HX Eects hardware to your computer via USB
and power the device on.
3. Launch the Line 6 Updater application, log into your Line 6
account and follow the prompts to install the latest available
rmware version.