Owner's Manual

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Line 6 Crunch - Our boutique sound. Not too clean, but not too raging.
We spent some time with a rare Dumble combo, and picked up a few tricks from it
to put together this tone. Great for modern blues or jazz, this sound should be like
a ne cognac, smooth and warm going down, but with a nice kick. The
control is located before the Amp Models Drive, but the Bass and Treble
controls are placed after the Drive for maximum range.
Line 6 Drive - Our version of the modern, super-saturated, high gain, lead
amp; smooth, yet biting. All the tone controls here are post-Amp Model for
maximum control with minimum muddiness. Again, this unique overdrive tone
was created by merging different tone-shaping elements from different high-gain
amps. Its like playing through a collection of amps simultaneously a studio
technique that has made possible some of the greatest guitar tones of modern
recordings (Line 6 Layer builds on this idea with even more versatility). With
POD, you can get this same kind of rich, multi-amp tone out of one combo, a feat
that wouldnt be possible with traditional guitar amps.
Line 6 Layer - Line 6 Clean meets Line 6 Drive. As weve already
mentioned, many guitarists and producers have experimented with running
multiple amps simultaneously, with each amp making a contribution to the overall
tone. Stevie Ray Vaughn, for example, would split his guitar signal to drive a
Marshall, Fender Vibroverb, and Dumble Steel String Singer simultaneously to get
some of the great sounds on his records. This Amp Model was produced by
superimposing a traditional clean guitar tone and a particularly tweaked-up
variant of the Line 6 Drive. The Drive knob acts as a blender control fully left
youve got big bottom 21st Century Clean, and fully right youve got paint-peeling
Ultra-drive. Set it anywhere in between, and you get to have your cake and smear
it all over your audience, too.
Small Tweed - Modeled after a 1952 wide panel Fender Tweed Deluxe, this
Amp Model will snarl with the best of them. The original amp had only a single
tone control, essentially a Treble roll off. We set up the Treble knob to give you
this Treble roll off when using this Amp Model. Which left us with the Bass and