Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide - POD Farm 2 Plug-In
Accessing POD Farm 2 Plug-In Parameters in your DAW for Automation
Typically, a selectable list of Plug-In automation parameters in your DAW host application will display
all 32 POD Farm 2 “assignable” parameters, plus all “xed” parameters, for each loaded instance of
POD Farm 2 Plug-In. The assignable Automation Slots appear in this menu, regardless if you have
actually assigned a specic amp, preamp or effect parameter to these 32 Slots. (Non-assigned Slots will
still be “automatable” within the DAW host, but it simply will not control any POD Farm 2 knob or
switch controls until you assign them.)
As an example, here is how an audio track’s Automation Parameter list appears in the Steinberg
DAW application when POD Farm 2 VST Plug-In is inserted. Other DAW host applications
may offer this list of available Plug-In parameters slightly differently, but the same POD Farm 2 Plug-In
Automation Slots will appear in all DAW host applications, and for AU and RTAS Plug-In versions
as well.
Cubase Audio Track -
Automation Parameter menu
The POD Farm 2 VST Plug-In inserted on this
audio track is available within the Add Parameter
window, allowing selection of Knob, Switch or
Fixed Automation Slots
(Note that you may need to scroll down to see all
40 of these POD Farm 2 Automation Slots)
The Cubase audio track’s “Add Parameter” list POD Farm 2 Plug-In
The Ableton Live
DAW application (Mac
and Windows
versions) requires some added steps before
you’ll be able to see the POD Farm 2 Plug-In Automation Slots within its audio or bus tracks’ “Control
Chooser” (automation parameter) menus.
Once POD Farm 2 VST or AU Plug-In is inserted on a track in your Ableton Live project, assign
the POD Farm 2 Knob & Switch parameters that you wish to expose for automation (follow the
steps as described in “Assigning Parameters to Automation Slots” on page 4•43).