Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide – Standalone Operation
Note that, due to some Windows
and Mac
operating system limitations, the following behaviors
apply for these checkboxes:
If you are on Windows
, during the POD Farm 2 installation there is an option to toggle the le
associations to POD Farm 2 for these three le types. By default, all three are “on.” If you run the
POD Farm 2 installer again you can change these associations.
On Windows
and Mac
, if you see these three boxes unchecked, you can check them to associate
the le types to POD Farm 2.
If you are not logged into Windows
or onto your Mac
with “Administrator” privileges, you
will see a message in this Preferences - Tones dialog telling you this is the case, and you will
not be able to check the boxes.
On Windows
and Mac
, if you see the boxes already checked, the les are currently associated
to open with POD Farm 2. However, it is not possible to uncheck them in this dialog due to
Operating System restrictions.
The Hardware Tab
POD Farm 2 Preferences - Hardware tab
Launch POD Farm using - Here you can choose a specic Line 6 device for POD Farm 2 standalone
to always use when it launches (provided that device is connected and powered on). If you typically
connect only one supported Line 6 device to your computer at a time, then it is easiest to just leave
this set to Auto-Detect and POD Farm 2 will do just that. But if you keep more than one Line 6
device connected to your computer, you can set this to have the application always connect to just
that device.
When no single compatible Line 6 USB device is detected at startup - Keep this set to Prompt me
with a dialog and you can choose a device (or, just connect your Line 6 USB device if you forgot!). Or,
you can set this to use a specic device - useful if you just want to launch the POD Farm 2 standalone
application as if connected to a device, such as to review some presets or Preferences settings.