Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide - POD Farm 2 Plug-In
Gear View
Selected Category Model Categories
Selected Model Scroll Bar Peripheral Models
Selecting Model Categories
Press the Gear View button within the Main Control Bar to access Amp and Effect Models.
Model category menus are listed horizontally along the top of the Gear view (e.g. - Guitar
Amps, Bass Amps, Preamps, etc.)
The currently selected category menu appears lit. To select a different category, simply click
on the model category name to see all its models appear within the “carousel” panel display.
Selecting a Model
When you hover over a model category, a downward arrow appears to the right of the
category name. Pressing on the downward arrow displays a drop-down list of available
models within the category. Select a model by clicking on the model name in the list - you’ll
see the selected model come into view in the rotating “carousel” panel display below.
Double-click on the model within the carousel panel display and it is inserted into the
currently selected Tone’s signal flow, to the right of the selected model.
Alternatively, you can drag the model directly into either Tone path below. Note that effects
models can be dropped into any position before or after the amp/preamp - as you drag your
model over the Signal Flow View, you’ll see the other models spread apart to indicate where
your new model can be dropped. You can also reposition most models once they are loaded
in the Signal Flow View - just drag the model left or right to see (and hear!) what is possible.
White Arrow indicators - Note that in some cases when dragging an Amp, Preamp or
Cab model from the Gear View carousel into the SFV, you’ll see white arrows appear on an
existing model within the SFV. The white arrows are displayed whenever there is one and
only one “legal” location in a Tone path for the model being dragged. For example, when a
Guitar or Bass Amp model already exists in a Tone, a Preamp model can only “legally” be
inserted immediately to the right of the existing Amp model. Therefore, when dragging in
a Preamp, if you try to insert anywhere else in the Tone’s path, you’ll see that your mouse
cursor displays a “slashed-circle” icon and white arrows appear indicating the legal drop