Owner's Manual

Features & Functionality
FeatureS & FunctiOnality
Ready to dive deeper? In this chapter, we’ll go into more detail on the major features &
functionality offered on POD® HD.
FX Blocks
For each Preset there is always a total of 8 FX Blocks, each capable of loading any FX
Model. When in the Signal Flow View screen, select any FX Block and you’ll see options
at the bottom of the screen, adjustable using the Multi-Function Knobs 1-4.
The Signal Flow View with an FX Block selected
• Model Type (Knob 1): Select from among the FX Model categories.
• To load no effect in the selected Block, choose “None.” You’ll see the Block
then appear “Null,” as shown below. A Null FX Block can still be moved and
loaded with a new Model at any time. Setting unneeded FX Blocks to None is
a great way to minimize your tone’s DSP usage (see “Dynamic DSP” on page
FX Blocks with the Model set to “None”
• FX Model (Knob 2): Choose the desired Model from the Model Type list.