Owner's Manual

Features & Functionality
Model Types and Mono/Stereo Signal Routing
It is important to note that some Models (all EQs, Wahs & Volume, and some Modulations,
Filters, Pitches and Delays) preserve a stereo output within the signal chain, while others
(all Dynamics, Distortions, all Amps & Preamps, and other various Models) are mono FX
and do not. The POD HD Inputs 1 & 2 are fed into the signal chain as stereo (see “Page
3, Setup: Input Options” on page 2•4). Therefore, wherever a mono FX or Amp Model
is inserted, the Left & Right channels of this stereo signal is “mono-ized” and heard as a
two-channel mono signal at the Model’s output. To follow are a few examples:
Ping Pong Delay
No mono-output FX or Amp follows Delay
• As shown above, if you place the Ping Pong Delay (a stereo-output FX Model) after
any other FX and/or Amp Models, you’ll hear its delay repeats bounce back and
forth between your Left and Right outputs.
Ping Pong Delay
A Distortion (mono) FX Model follows Delay
Ping Pong Delay
An Amp Model Follows Delay, within same Path
• If you place the Ping Pong Delay immediately before a mono FX Model (as shown
above, left) or Amp Model within the same Path (shown above, right), you’ll hear
its delays “mono-ized,” equally through both the Left and Right outputs.
• The above rules also apply within each of the parallel Paths A and B, since
these are each stereo signal paths as well. The Mixer Block offers Pan controls to
independently adjust the stereo balance of each of these Paths before they are fed
into the first “Post” FX (or Amp Block, if the Amp is placed here), immediately
following the Mixer.
• Please also see “Amp Model Positioning” on page 6•1 for additional signal flow