Owner's Manual

Amp, Cab & Mic Models
• Knob 1: Changes the Bias of the power tubes. Set to minimum to achieve a very
“cold” Class AB biasing. At maximum the amp is operating in Class A.
• Knob 2: The Bias Excursion determines how the power amp tubes’ voicing reacts
when they are pushed hard. Set low for a tighter feel. Set high for more tube
compression. This parameter is highly reactive with the DRIVE & MASTER settings.
• Knob 3: Has no function on this page.
Amp Edit - Page 4
Here you’ll find Microphone and Speaker Cabinet options.
Page 4 of the AMP:EDIT Screen (appears as Page 2 for Preamp Models)
NOTE: If you selected “No Cab” for your Cab Model, these Mic and Early Reflections
settings will perform no function since no Speaker, Mic or Early Reflections processing is
• Knob 1: Sets the amount of “early reflections.” Higher values add more reflective
room sound to your Amp tone.
• Knob 2: Applies low frequency attenuation - helpful to tighten up the low end of
your tone.
• Knob 3: Selects the Mic type (see the Mic Model table on page 6•5).
Note: If you select the 1x15 Flip Top Bass Cab Model, you’ll see a unique set of Mic Models
in this list, best suited for Bass.