Owner's Manual

Appendix B: FBV Foot Controllers
Please reference the Footswitch Mapping table on the following pages for your
specic FBV model device to determine which FBV footswitches relate to each of the 8
footswitch assignments. (We cover how to edit & create these footswitch assignments
on page B•21.)
When POD HD Pro X is in Looper Mode, a 3rd variation of the Performance View
screen displays the Looper functions that are accessed by FBV footswitches. Also see
“Looper Controls & Performance View” on page 8•1.
Note: The POD HD Pro X Looper Mode can only be accessed when a Line 6 FBV Shortboard
MkII or original FBV Longboard or Shortboard controller device is connected.
The Performance View with Looper Mode active
FBV Controller Devices - Footswitch & Pedal Mapping
Your FBV device’s Footswitches and Pedal(s) are already mapped to specic POD
HD Pro X functions. These mappings are slightly dierent for each FBV Controller
type - Please reference the following table that matches your specic FBV model. See
the following sections for more details on the POD HD Pro X functions listed in these
FBV Shortboard MkII