Owner's Manual

Features & Functionality
The FX Loop is capable of stereo, just like any stereo-output FX Model, provided
that you utilize both stereo pairs of the SEND & RETURN jacks. If you use only the
Left SEND or RETURN jack, the FX Loop signal is summed to mono.
The above rules also apply within each of the parallel Paths A and B, since these
are each stereo signal paths as well. The Mixer Block oers Pan controls to
independently adjust the stereo balance of each of these Paths before they are
fed into the rst “Post” FX (or Amp Block, if the Amp is placed here), immediately
following the Mixer.
Please also see “Amp Model Positioning” on page 6•1 for additional signal ow
FX & Amp Block FBV Footswitch Assignment
Any of the FX and Amp Blocks can also be congured with a “FS” (Footswitch)
assignment to utilize a connected Line 6 FBV™ Controller to remotely toggle the
Block’s Model On/O. For details, please see “Amp & FX Block Footswitch Assignment”
on page B•21.
It is worth noting here that, when the Setup - FS MODE option (see “Page 1, Setup:Utilities
Options” on page 2•2) is set to “FS 5-8,” your FBV device’s A, B, C & D footswitches
will trigger the FS 5-8 assigned Blocks. To create and edit FS assignments, select the
desired FX or Amp Block within the Signal Flow View, then hold the VIEW button. This
displays the FS ASSIGN screen. All assignments are saved per Preset.
The Footswitch Assign screen - use Knob 1 to create or edit a Block’s FS assignment