Owner's Manual

Amp, Cab & Mic Models
Amp Edit - Page 2
Page 2 oers three options that aect the power amp characteristics of your Amp
Page 2 of the Amp:Edit Screen (not displayed for Preamp Models)
Knob 1: Use this Master Volume to adjust the amount of power amp distortion.
This parameter is highly interactive with all other power amp parameters -
the lower the Master is set, the less eect the other controls will have.
Knob 2: Setting the Sag to minimum oers a “tighter” responsiveness, and
turning clockwise provides more “touch” dynamics & sustain.
Knob 3: Controls how much heater hum & AC ripple interacts with your tone.
At the maximum setting things get really freaky.
Amp Edit - Page 3
Page 3 oers two more options that aect the power amp characteristics.
Page 3 of the Amp:Edit Screen (not displayed for Preamp Models)