Owner's Manual

Performance View
This screen displays the functions available for a Line 6 FBV™ Controller’s footswitch
functions, if an FBV is connected. This screen appears in three dierent variations,
depending on your device settings. The four options on the lower half of the screen
pertain to the FBV A, B, C & D footswitches.
You’ll see one of the following screens appear, dictated by the current POD HD Pro X
Setup - FS MODE setting - Also see “Page 1, Setup:Utilities Options” on page 2•2 for
“FS 5-8” Mode“ABCD” Mode
When POD HD Pro X is in Looper Mode (Looper Mode is available when an FBV device
is connected), a 3rd variation of the screen displays the Looper functions that are
accessed by the FBV A, B, C & D footswitches. Also see “Looper Controls & Performance
View” on page 8•1.
The Performance View with Looper Mode active