Owner's Manual

FX Models
Just as with all stereo FX Models, when a mono FX Model is placed after
the Pan, the Pan Model’s output will become “mono-ized, as described in
“Model Types and Mono/Stereo Signal Routing” on page 3•5. Therefore, you’ll
typically want to avoid placing a mono FX Model later within the same signal
path as the Pan Model.
Wah Models
Wah Models - Parameter Reference Table
Model Parameters
Fassel Position Mix
Conductor Position Mix
Throaty Position Mix
Colorful Position Mix
Vetta Wah Position Mix
Chrome Position Mix
Chrome Custom Position Mix
Weeper Position Mix
Common Parameters
Each Wah oers the following two parameters:
Position: This controls the “sweep” of the Wah. Any Wah Model is best used
with this parameter assigned to an FBV pedal, however, you can also access this
parameter with the Multi-function Knob to dial in a “parked” Wah tone.
Mix: Sets the balance of the “Dry” and “Wet” signals. At 0% no Wah eect is
added to your signal; at 100% you will hear the Wah-eected signal only. Try
lowering the Mix to less than 100% for a more subtle eect!