Owner's Manual

USB Audio
Input - Output Screen Selector Use these buttons to view the respective options
within this window.
Device List: Select your POD HD device in the list here to display its settings within
the window.
Default Audio Device Options: With your POD HD device selected in the Device
List, click on the little gear button here to congure POD HD to be the default input
and/or output audio device for your Mac® applications.* When you select any of these
options, you’ll see the respective icon appear to the right of POD HD in the above
Device List to indicate it is set as the default device for this action.
*Note that most DAW applications (such as GarageBand, Logic, Ableton Live, etc.) allow you to
select their audio input/output device within their own Preferences, independently of the settings
you make here.
Use this device for sound input: Select this option if you want your Mac®
applications to use POD HD as the default input device for audio recording.
Use this device for sound output: Select this option if you want your
Mac® applications to use POD HD as the default output device, such as for
iTunes® music playback.
Play alerts and sound eects through this device: This option sets all
the system dings and beep alerts play through the selected device. You
probably do NOT want to select this, unless you like hearing these Mac®
alerts blaring at high volume along with your POD HD guitar and audio
playback for some reason!
Format: These options show you the Sample Rate* and Bit Depth at which POD
HD is operating for recording (when viewing the Input screen) and playback (when
viewing the Output screen). The Bit Depth for POD HD is xed at 24 bit.
*It is recommended that you do not use the Sample Rate selectors in this window to set your
sample rate when your audio software is running. Typically, your audio software will offer a sample
rate option within its own “Preferences” settings, which is where you should change the rate.