Owner's Manual

Edit Mode
The REVERB menu offers access to all editable parameters for each Reverb model. Use
the Model - Select option to choose the desired model, and you’ll then be able to access
its individual parameters. Please see “Reverb Models - Reference Table” on page 6•16.
The Edit Mode - Reverb menu
The GATE menu offers access to all editable parameters for the Noise Reduction and Noise
Gate. These tools can be used together or separately on any Preset to reduce unwanted
buzz & hum from your input signal. All settings made here are stored per Preset.
Off - Disables both the Noise Reduction and Noise Gate.
Gate - Enables only the Noise Gate.
NR - Enables only the Noise Reduction.
Gate+NR - Enables both the Noise Reduction and Noise Gate.
Sets the Gate Threshold. Lower values make the Gate kick in at quieter levels, higher
values make it kick in at louder levels.