Owner's Manual

System Setup
Tone (Knob 4): Allows the JTV Tone knob value to be saved with the current preset,
or applied Globally, per the Variax Control (Knob 1) setting.
Variax Electric
All rst generation Variax Electric Guitars are supported.
Variax Control (Knob 1): See page 2•11.
Model (Knob 2): Selects the Variax Model & pickup position setting. Choose the
“Don’t Force” option if you prefer to not have the Variax guitar’s model changed by
the Model value saved within the POD HD500 presets.
Local Control (Knob 3): This feature is not applicable for rst generation Variax
instruments, therefore, no options are available.
Tone (Knob 4): Allows the Variax guitar’s Tone knob value to be saved with the
current preset, if desired.