Owner's Manual

Amp, Cab & Mic Models
amp, cab & mic mOdelS
This chapter provides details on selecting & editing the exemplary HD Guitar Amp &
Preamp Models, all of which have been newly developed by our amazing team of sound
engineers for POD® HD500! Also covered here are details on Speaker Cabs, Mic Models
and putting Amp Models to use.
Amp Model Positioning
Each Preset includes the ability to run one or two Amp or Preamp Models. Much like
each FX Block, the Amp Block can be repositioned using the MOVE button (please see
“Moving FX Blocks” on page 3•5 ). Here we’ll cover the impact on your signal ow when
placing the Amp in different positions.
*Note: Looking for a Mic Preamp Model? You can find the Vintage Pre Model located
within the “Preamps+EQ” category of any FX Block. Having this Preamp Model within
the FX Blocks (rather than in the Amp Blocks) allows you the flexibility of using it with or
without the Amp models, and positioning it anywhere in the signal chain. See “Preamp+EQ
Models” on page 7•9
for more info.
Amps Within Paths A & B
You’ll nd that a number of the Factory Presets already utilize this type of conguration.
When moving the single Amp Model into the parallel Paths A/B from the “Pre” position
(before the Path A/B split) or “Post” position (after the Mixer Block), a 2nd Amp B Block
is automatically created in Path B. In this conguration, the top amp is referred to as Amp
A and the other Amp B.
Amp A Amp B
Amp Models within Paths A & B
Behaviors for this conguration are: