Owner's Manual

Amp, Cab & Mic Models
Note that when utilizing both Inputs 1 & 2 (or when using “SAME” for either of these
Input options) the two Input signals are combined to allow them to be fed into any Amp or
mono FX Model within the Pre position, which can result in a hot signal level. Reduce your
instruments’ volume as needed to avoid overloading your Pre-positioned Models.
Amp A
Amp in “Post” position (after Path A & B)
With the Amp in Post as shown above, the parallel Paths A & B are fed into the input
of the Amp.* You can still move FX into either Path A or B, in which case they’ll be in
parallel, with each Path’s output individually controlled by the Mixer’s A & B Level and
Pan options to allow you to custom blend them before they hit the Amp.
*Note: All Amps & Preamps behave as “mono” Models, which impact the stereo output
of any FX Models positioned before them within the signal flow. For more info, please see
“Model Types and Mono/Stereo Signal Routing” on page 3•6.
Selecting Amp, Cab & Mic Models
Press the VIEW button to display the Signal Flow View and use the Nav. Disc to select
Amp A or Amp B.
The Signal Flow View - Amp B selected