Quick Start Manual

amp (instrument) or line level.
Having said all that, it is recommended that you start with the
MASTER VOLUME control set to minimum and slowly turn the
control clockwise towards maximum before any audio clipping (the
bad kind of distortion) occurs.
13. Foot Switches - In standard operation your foot switches work as
Bank Up, Down - Thesechooseamongst16banksofpresetsinyour
Set List. Once you've navigated your way to a new bank, step
on the
A, B, C or DFootSwitchtoactuallyloadapresetfromthat
FS 1- FS 4 - (Top row) These assignable foot switches turn the effects
analog pedals.
A, B, C & D - (Bottom row) From the factory these foot switches provide
instant access to presets
A-D from the current bank selected. You can
change this behavior in the
SYSTEM & I/O pages to provide four
FS 5-8) you
can still access presets by pressing the
Bank Up, Down Footswitches.
Pressing either the
Bank Up, Down Footswitches cues the current bank
for access to
A, B, C or D – loading the preset causes the footswitches
to instantly revert to
FS 5-8 mode.
Tap Tempo - StompingtheTAP button a few times sets the tempo
of all effects with the
TAP setting affect parameters set
TAP to enter Tuner Mode.Now
you've got a fancy chromatic tuner in your
Looper - EquipsyourPODHD500withupto48secondsoflooping
capability. The
PRE/POST footswitch allows you to set your loop
recording and playback either before amp and effects modeling or after
playing back, while recording in
amp and effects in the loop and then layer different sounds by changing
REC/OVERDUB to start recording a loop then stomp
PLAY/STOP to end loop and immediately start playback. You can
overdub additional parts by again, stomping the
PLAY/STOP to stop or start playback. If you make a
mistake on your last overdub press
UNDOtoeraseit.Use1/2 SPEED at
hear playback at half the original loop speed - this changes the pitch of
everything down 1 octave too. Press
REVERSE to hear your playback
Looper Mode even
when a loop is still playing to switch presets or turn amps and effects
the user wants to set it to
PERFORMANCE VIEW then it will only
show in the display while in this mode. The benet to the default
is the user will always know if they're in looper mode or not. The
PERFORMANCE VIEW setting has the benet of being able to
manipulate model parameters while looping.
Note: Changing the state of the PRE/POST footswitch while the loop
is playing back can dramatically change the volume, so be careful!
14. Expression Pedals - The lights to the left of this pedal show when an
Expression Pedal is engaged and active. The pedal equipped on your
EXP 1 and EXP 2 functionality via
thepedal’sintegratedtoe switch.Youcan addasecond
Pedal to give simultaneous controls of EXP 1 and EXP 2 via the
PEDAL 2InputonthebackofyourPODHD500.Youcanassignthese
pedals for
Volume, Wah, or to tweak multiple parameters of any effects
and amp models in your signal path.