Quick Start Manual

Rename a Set List: With the desired Set List selected, press the SAVE
button to display the Rename Set List screen. To edit the name, use
to edit the character. Once complete, press SAVE again to commit your
new name.
Editing a Set List: While in the Set Lists screen, double-press the
ENTER button to display the list of Presets in the current Set List, where
or rearrange the Presets into in any order you like. Use the 4 Way Nav
Pad, or turn the PRESETSknobtoselectanyofthe64locations.Press
the ENTER button to immediately load the selected location’s Preset.
Press the MOVE button and use the 4 Way Nav Pad to move a selected
Preset to a new location, press MOVE again to place it. Once you've
completed all of your changes, press the Presets knob to commit your
Working with Presets
Accessing Presets:
From any of the Home View screens, simply turn the
listed Set List and immediately load the desired Preset. Alternatively, you
can access Presets that reside within any Set List from within the Set
List - Preset screen.
Bank & Channel Footswitches:PODHD500XalsooersPresetselec-
tion completely “hands-free” by way of the Bank Up
, Bank Down
and Channel A, B, C, D (FS5 - FS8)Footswitches.Notethatyou’ll
need to set the System - FS Mode setting to “ABCD” to allow FS5 -
FS8 to instantly access the Channel locations. Press the A, B, C or D
switch to instantly recall its Channel location within the currently selected
and Bank
footswitch and you’ll see the Queued Bank screen displayed.
Then press the A, B, C or D footswitch to load the respective Preset from
the desired Bank.
Saving Presets: To retain any new changes made to a Preset, or if you
new Channel location, you can use the Save function. To initiate the Save
function, press the SAVE button to display the Save Preset screen.
UsetheMulti-functionKnobs1-4 tochoose yourSavefunctions. Set
List (Knob 1): Choose any one of your 8 Set Lists here in which you’d
like to save your Preset. By default, you’ll see your currently loaded Set
List. Destination (Knob 2):ChoosethespecicBank/Channellocation
within the selected Set List to save your Preset. Note that this will
permanently overwrite the Preset within the destination location
once you commit the save. Choose an empty location if you don’t wish
to replace an existing Preset. Cursor & Character (Knobs 3 & 4): To
to edit the selected character. Once you’ve completed the above set-
tings, press the SAVE button to commit. Or, to cancel the save, press the
PRESETS knob or VIEW button.
System Setup
To access the System Setup options, press and hold the VIEW button.
and more. There are multiple Setup pages available. Use the 4 Way
Nav Pad to navigate to the desired screen. On each page, up to four
options on the lower portion of the screen can be adjusted using the
Multi-Function Knobs.