Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide – Using Your Line 6 Hardware
Note: Be sure to always power off or mute your speakers or monitoring setup before connecting and
disconnecting the USB cable between your Line 6 device and computer, as well as before booting up or
shutting down your computer if the device is already connected. The best practice is to always power on
your speakers last, and power them off first when connected to other audio gear to avoid a “pop” which
could be damaging to your speakers (or to your ears!).
There are some differences in the setup and functionality between the supported Line 6 devices, so
be sure to look for the instructions in the following sections for your specic device. Primarily, POD
Studio, TonePort and GuitarPort devices function quite similarly since all the Digital Signal Processing
(DSP) is performed on your computer when using these units. POD X3 & PODxt devices do all their
DSP magic inside the POD hardware itself. Use the handy links here to jump directly to the section
covering your Line 6 device:
“POD X3 Family Devices”
“PODxt Family Devices”
“TonePort DI”