Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide - POD Farm 2 Plug-In
It is also possible to have no Amp loaded at all, or only a Preamp in your Tone, in which case, of
course, you’ll see no Amp/Cab/Mic in the SFV.
If you add a Cab from the Gear View, Cab menu or carousel to a Tone path where no Amp
model yet exists, you’ll see that a “Power Amp” is automatically added to provide a transparent
amplication source to drive you new Cab.
Moving Effects Models
POD Farm 2 Effects models offer the ability to be dragged left or right, within the signal chain to any
position either before (“Pre”) or after (“Post”) the Amp/Cab/Preamp models within the Tone path (see
“Pre Versus Post Effects Placement” on page 4•33).This offers slightly different sonic results, depending
on the effect and amp settings in use. To move an effect, simply click and drag it left or right and you’ll
see the other models move apart indicating the location where the effect can be dropped.
When in Dual Tone mode, note that you can also drag any model between Tones to move the selected
model into any position within the other Tone path. Or, hold down Ctrl (Windows
) or Option
) and drag a model to the other Tone path to copy it, along with all its current settings.
White Arrow and Model Replacement Indicators
When dragging models into the Signal Flow View, you may see white arrows appear, and/or see an
existing Amp or Effects model change into a “ghost” image. These are indicators for letting you
know about the behaviors for placement of the model you are dragging into the Tone path. Please see
“Selecting a Model” on page 4•9 for details.
Deleting Models from your Tone
Here’s a neat trick... You can drag any model from the Signal Flow View to completely outside of the
Signal Flow View panel and you’ll see a little “poof” icon appear with your mouse cursor. When you
see this “poof” icon, you can drop the model to delete it from the SFV.
Note: This behavior differs slightly between DAW host applications and Operating Systems, where
dragging to some areas outside the Plug-In may not allow the model to be deleted. However, dragging a
model icon from the SFV and dropping it specifically within the upper panel of the Plug-In will always
result in deleting the model.
The Amp Group
Within any individual Tone path, it is possible to add up to one Guitar Amp or Bass Amp, one
“Custom” Cab and one Preamp model. We refer to the combination of these models as the “Amp
Group” of models since they include some special properties as compared to all other models:
An Amp Group, consisting of an Amp + Custom Cab + Preamp