Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide - POD Farm 2 Plug-In
Min & Max Value - These columns show the minimum and maximum values for the assigned
parameter. All “variable” type parameters in POD Farm 2 (knobs, faders, etc.) can have their Min. and
Max. positions custom dened (rather than the default 0% to 100% range) by way of the parameter’s
context menu. These Min. & Max. values are applied when accessing the parameter via MIDI remote
control. See “Minimum and Maximum Position Values” on page 4•41.
Local & Global MIDI Assignments - POD Farm 2 parameters are dened as either “Local” or
“Global.” Therefore, creating a MIDI assignment to a POD Farm 2 parameter follows this Local or
Global behavior. A MIDI assignment cannot be changed between Local or Global.
Local MIDI assignments appear in yellow text. These are saved with the current Tone Preset
and, therefore, do not persist when you change to a different Tone Preset. You’ll want to be sure
to Save your Preset before switching to another Preset or exiting POD Farm 2 to retain Local
MIDI assignments.
Global Assignments appear in white text and are indicated as “Global” within the Region
column of the MIDI Assignments display. Global assignments are not saved with the current
Tone Preset, but rather persist regardless of the Tone Preset you are using for the current POD
Farm 2 Plug-In instance. Note that these Global assignments remain intact only within the
current POD Farm 2 Plug-In instance, and are saved with your DAW project, unless you choose
to clear the assignments or remove the instance of the Plug-In.
Once one or more MIDI control assignments are created, if you adjust the knob, pedal or switch
on your MIDI hardware, you’ll see the mapped assignment become highlighted in the window. This
provides a handy reference to see what mappings have been created in the current Tone!
Pre-configured MIDI Assignments
We’ve went ahead and added “pre-congured” MIDI control assignments for some Local parameters
within most Tone Presets that come with POD Farm 2. To see the existing MIDI assignments for any
loaded Tone Preset, just look in the MIDI Assignments display, as described in the previous section.
The “Event” column tells you what command your MIDI controller needs to transmit to access each
pre-congured assignment. You’ll see that we’ve consistently used the following MIDI commands and
values to create the pre-congured MIDI assignments. Therefore, if you congure your MIDI controller
device to transmit the following, you should be able to access most Tone Presets’ pre-congured MIDI
assignments instantly!
POD Farm 2 Model & Parameter Pre-configured MIDI Command
“Stomp” effects (Distortions, Dynamics, Filters) - On/Off MIDI CC 12, Values 127 = On, 0 = Off
Mods - On/Off MIDI CC 13, Values 127 = On, 0 = Off
Delays - On/Off MIDI CC 14, Values 127 = On, 0 = Off
Reverbs - On/Off MIDI CC 15, Values 127 = On, 0 = Off
Wahs - On/Off, Bender effect On/Off MIDI CC 102, Values 127 = On, 0 = Off
Wahs - Adjust Position knob MIDI CC 11, Value 0 thru 127
POD Farm 2 Pre-configured “Local” MIDI assignment settings
Got a Line 6 FBV MkII Series controller? We created all the pre-congured MIDI assignments using
a Line 6 FBV Shortboard MkII controller device. If you have an FBV MkII controller, you can load the
following presets on your FBV device using the Line 6 FBV Control software - These two FBV MkII
presets are available for download from the POD Farm Online Help site: