Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide - POD Farm 2 Plug-In
The name within the Slot provides descriptive information about the assigned parameter. For
example, the assigned knob parameter in the above screenshot: B - Analog Delay w/Mod (FX-
5) - Mix, refers to the “Mix” parameter of the “Analog Delay w/Mod” effect. The “B” indicates
this model is in Tone B, and the “(FX-5)” indicates the specic effect model instance (see the
Model Instance description on page 4•45).
To “un-assign” a parameter - Select the Slot you want to un-assign, then choose Clear from the
top of the Automation menu. Or, use the Clear options in the “Assignments View”.
Note: It is not possible to assign a POD Farm 2 parameter to more than one Slot. If the current parameter
is already assigned to a Slot, clicking in a different Slot will move the assignment to the new Slot.
In our example, with the Analog Delay Mix knob assigned to the “Knob 2” Slot, we can now
proceed to display the “POD Farm 2 - Knob 2” envelope for the audio track in the Cubase
project, and either manually add edit points, or use the Cubase “Write” functions to capture
changes made to the Mix knob.
You can repeat the above steps to assign up to 16 Knob and 16 Switch POD Farm 2 Plug-In
parameters to the available slots. Further, you can insert additional instances of POD Farm 2
Plug-In on other audio or Bus tracks in your DAW project and do the same for their parameters.
This all adds up to some powerful mix automation!
For easy reference to all Automation assignments for POD Farm 2 Plug-In, go to the Automation
Assignments View - see the next section.
Note that automation assignments are not saved with your POD Farm 2 Tone preset, but are retained
within your DAW project when it is saved.
Automation Assignments Display
Once one or more POD Farm 2 Plug-In parameters have been assigned to the available Automation
Slots, you will see these Knob and Switch Slot assignments listed here in the Automation Assignments
View display. This display is a very handy reference since the POD Farm 2 Plug-In Automation Slots
will appear within your DAW listed only by the POD Farm 2 Automation Slot number & name.
MIDI Assignments button Automation Assignments button Clear All button
Clear button
The Automation Assignments View
Column Header - Click on any column name to sort the list up or down by the selected column. Note
that you can also resize the width of a column by clicking on the little “grab bar” at the right of the
column title and dragging.
MIDI & Automation display buttons - Click to toggle between the MIDI and Automation displays.