Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide – Glossary (What Is...?)
GarageBand. These software applications vary in features, complexity and price, so there is certainly
one out there just right for you (talent not included). POD Farm 2 can be a key element for any DAW,
since it offers a huge array of pro quality tones, Plug-In support for most any major DAW software, and
great ease-of-use!
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What is De-Esser?
A De-esser is an audio tool designed to reduce sibilance (Sss and Shh sounds) from vocals. It does
this by “listening” for audio energy focused at a selected FREQUENCY (the frequency where the
objectionable part of the Sss and Shh sounds are occurring). When it hears high level audio at and
around this frequency, it quickly ducks the volume by the AMOUNT you choose, effectively reducing
the volume of Sss and Ssh sounds. POD Farm 2 & the Elements Dynamics Plug-In offer two - a
“Female” and a “Male” De-Esser, each for use with vocalists of respective gender.
To use the De-Esser appropriately, try adding the POD Farm 2 or Elements “POD Farm Dynamics”
Plug-In to a test vocal track - if you hear more Sss and Shh sounds that you would like, try also adding
the EQ within the Plug-In as well, and bypass the De-Esser for the moment. Set one of the EQ bands to
provide a bandpass with a narrow width or Q, and set it to cut quite a bit, maybe something like -20dB.
Now set the frequency for that band of EQ to one of the frequency points available from the De-Esser,
and play the track, switching back and forth between enabling and bypassing the EQ to hear the
results. Try different frequencies until you nd the one that seems to have the most effect on the Sss
and Shh sounds, then disable the EQ. Use that frequency setting in the De-Esser, and while playing,
adjust the AMOUNT knob to where it sounds best. If all has gone well, you should hear that your Sss
and Ssh sounds are being reduced, yet the overall vocal sound is minimally affected.
What is Delay?
Delay is one of the categories of POD Farm 2 Effects, and you’ll nd several types within the POD
Farm 2 Delays menu, as well as within the Elements POD Farm Delays Plug-In. A Delay effect adds
a delayed echo of your guitar. A short delay time and low feedback setting will give you a classic