Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide – Glossary (What Is...?)
2 Plug-In on any computer. It is also easy to manage all your iLok software licenses with iLok.com -
where you can set up a secure account, view all licenses on your iLok key, take delivery of new licenses,
and even move them between multiple iLok keys! Please see “POD Farm 2 Plug-In for iLok” on page
1•7 for more info.
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What is MIDI?
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a communications protocol designed to allow various
music-making machines and/or software to exchange information. It allows one device to control
another, and several devices to all be used together in coordination. POD Farm 2 Plug-In and
standalone application support MIDI control - that is, they support the ability to receive MIDI control
messages from external MIDI controller devices, where the POD Farm 2 parameters adjust in response.
This allows you to connect a device, such as the Line 6 FBV MkII Series controller, to your computer
and use its pedal and switches to do things such as wangle the Wah effect, control the Delay Mix knob,
swell your amp volume, switch through Setlists and Tone presets, etc. POD Farm 2 will work most 3rd
party MIDI controller devices as well. Please see “POD Farm 2 Plug-In MIDI Control” on page 4•34 and
the additional documentation on the POD Farm Online Help site for more info.
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What is MIDI Learn?
MIDI Learn is a feature included within POD Farm 2 Plug-In and standalone application which makes
it very simple to “map” the knobs, pedals, switches of practically any external MIDI controller device
to specic POD Farm 2 parameters. Once your MIDI controller device is connected to your computer,
and correctly congured to access POD Farm 2 Plug-In or the POD Farm 2 standalone application, you
can simply Ctrl+click on a POD Farm 2 parameter, select MIDI Learn, and POD Farm 2 waits for an
incoming MIDI control (MIDI CC, Note On or Pitch Wheel) message.
Ctrl+click directly on the desired control
(Delay-Mix knob, in this example)
Select MIDI Learn to place POD Farm 2
Plug-In in MIDI Learn mode
Once received, the MIDI control message is “learned” and the controller is assigned. Please see “POD
Farm 2 Plug-In MIDI Control” on page 4•34.
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