Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide – Using Your Line 6 Hardware
XP Sounds and Audio Devices settings for Default Device
Sound Playback Default Device - Set this to be your Line 6 audio device if you want your
applications to use it for audio playback. Click Volume button to adjust the playback level.
(Keep the sliders set to 100% and use the Output & Phones knobs on your Line 6 hardware to
adjust playback levels more easily.)
Sound Recording Default Device - Set this to be your Line 6 audio device if you want your
applications to use it for audio recording. Click Volume button to adjust the input level.
Note: For Line 6 devices that offer multiple Source Inputs (UX1, UX2, UX8 & KB37), choose the Source
Input to record from within the Line 6 Audio-MIDI Settings application, found in System Preferences.
(See “The Line 6 Audio-MIDI Devices Dialog” on page 3•1.)
Windows Vista® & Windows® 7 Sound Playback Default Device settings