Owner's Manual

POD Farm 2 Advanced User Guide - POD Farm 2 Plug-In
Click on any column’s “grab bar”
and drag to resize column width
Right click (Windows®) or
Ctrl+click (Mac®) on the header
Select the desired columns to be
displayed in the Preset List Pane
The Preset List Pane - columns menu
Refresh Button - If you’ve modied Tones, such as by doing a Save As, created New Tones, or made
changes to the Source Folder conguration, you may need to click this Refresh button to update the
Preset List to show the current contents.
Search Controls - Type in the Search eld to locate a Tone within the selected Source Folder or
Setlist. This performs a search based on keywords in Line 6 Tone metadata, such as name, amp, artists,
notes about the Tone, etc. Once you’ve typed in your search term, the numbers at the right indicate
the number of results found/number of tones total in the selected directory:
User Text Entry Found/Total Tones Clear button
Tone Preset Search Controls
Press the Clear button to clear any text in the Search eld and reset the Preset List display.
Expand/Collapse Button - To resize the Presets View to its maximum size for easier browsing, click the
Expand button. Click Collapse to return it to its original size.
Setlists - When you create Setlists, they are displayed in this section. Click on a Setlist here to view
its contents. Right click (Windows
) or Ctrl+click (Mac
) on the “Setlists” header for other options
(see the Setlists section on page 4•23 for details).
Tone Info Button - When a Tone preset is selected, you’ll see the Info button to the left of its name in
the preset list pane. Click this button to launch the Edit Tone Info dialog, where you can enter and
edit information (referred to as “metadata” by those nerdy types) that is saved with the Tone. If you
have multiple Tones selected, then the Tone Info dialog allows you to enter and apply the metadata
to all selected Tones in one action - super cool for adding a common description to numerous Tones
in one click!