User Manual

powering reCeiverS From the Xd-Ad8
In addition to providing antenna distribution, the XD-AD8 has the capacity to power up to eight Line
6 receivers, including models XD-V75, XD-V70, XD-V55, Relay G55 and Relay G50. When powered
in this manner, the external power supply that comes with the receiver need not be used. Two power
distribution cables are included with the antenna distribution system.
•The cables containing five barrel-type power plugs are used for distributing power from the
XD-AD8 to the receivers. Plug one end of the daisy-chained cable into the left-hand
9v DC
Power connector on the rear panel of the AD8.
•Plug the next barrel connector into the
9v DC Power connection on the rear panel of the
nearest receiver. Then plug the remaining connectors on the cable into additional receivers.
Now four receivers are being powered.
•For an additional four receivers, repeat the process by plugging into the right-hand
9v DC
Power connector on the AD8.
•To securely attach the power cable to each receiver for mobile rack configurations, use a cable
tie or similar method to loop around the cable and through the cable holder located above or
next to the receiver’s power input connector.
•If not all of the connectors on the supplied power distribution cable are connected to receivers,
the remaining cable can be looped together and a cable tie used to secure it.
Note, The Relay G90 guitar wireless has an internal power supply, so is not powered by the XD-AD8.
rACk mounting
For convenience of connecting cables, and especially when using articulating half-wave antennas
directly attached to the XD-AD8, mount it near the top of the rack. The front panel of the 1 RU unit
provides slotted holes for four rack screws. Mount the wireless receivers in the spaces below the antenna
distribution system using their own rack mounting hardware, and make sure they are close enough so
that the provided power distribution cables and BNC-to-BNC antenna cables can reach. Avoid placing
WiFi devices, computers, or digital signal processors in the same rack.
remote AntennA plACement
The XD-AD8 antenna distribution system is typically used with remote antennas, so that the receivers
can be located where convenient – even at a distance from where the transmitters are being used –
yet the antennas can be placed nearer to the transmitters for better RF reception. Remote antennas
become important especially when the distance is significant between the transmitters and receivers,
there are walls or other obstacles between them, or when the receivers are “permanently” mounted in an
equipment room or production vehicle and the transmitters are used at various and changing locations
and distances. Both omnidirectional and directional (cardioid) remote antennas are available.
To connect remote antennas to the XD-AD8, use low-loss 50-ohm coaxial cable with the appropriate
BNC connector on each end. Place the antennas with clear line-of sight to the location where the
transmitters will be used; the Line 6 models P360 omnidirectional and P180 directional active antennas
provide the convenience of mic-stand mounting. Attach one end of the cable to the antenna, and run
it the shortest possible distance to the IN A / IN B connectors on the front or rear of the XD-AD8.
Note the length of antenna cable used and set the gain to the appropriate setting on the antenna; 6 dB