Quick Start Guide

Adding Users
Specic information must be input into the system to establish basic
user prole. An access level must be created before a new User can
be created. An asterisk (*) denotes required information.
Perform the following steps to create a new user prole.
1. On the main navigation menu, click New User button.
The Resident data entry elds will appear.
2. Input relevant data into data entry boxes provided under
the Personal section.
NOTE: The Phone Number eld MUST be lled out with a
valid phone number in order for the system to provide voice-
to-voice connection with incoming calls.
3. In the Card Enrollment data entry section, Input
relevant data into data entry boxes.
4. The Card Number data entry line information can be
input manually, or the card can be scanned.
5. In the Access Level section, assign the Type and
Level appropriate for user prole.
6. When all data is entered, Click Save.
Add a Card
Individual cards must be entered into the system.
1. Click the Add Card button.
2. Input data into data entry boxes provided.
3. Ensure the Directory Listed check box is checked.
4. Enter a unique Entry Code. The system will notify
user if entered code is not valid.
5. In the Entry Code section, input a unique entry code.
6. Select an appropriate security Access Level.
7. Click Save.
Repeat process for additional new users.