User Guide

51 EP Series User Programming Guide
Time Server
Time Server provides the ability to sync the system to a time server or manually set the time.
» NOTE: Gateway IP and DNS IP addresses
must be congured to access public time
servers. Refer to IP Address to congure
these settings.
Editing Time Server Settings
1. To manually set the system time
select Manual Time Setting. Skip to
Step 6.
2. To use a time server, select NTP
Server Synchronization.
3. Select one of the time servers from
the Server Address drop box.
4. Select the time period for the time
server synchronization from the
Sync Time dropdown. Skip to Step
5. Select the time zone at the
Controller’s installation location from
the Sync Time Zone dropdown.
6. For manual date and time setting,
enter the current date and time in
the Date and Time elds.
7. To enable Daylight Saving Time
(DST) select ON. Enter the DST
start and end dates in the two elds.
8. Click Save.
» NOTE: If you do not set up the gateway then the system may not be able to sync time.
User Data Export
User Data Export provides the ability to export Card Holder data to a comma separated value (CSV) le.
Exporting User Data
1. To export the Card Holder data,
click Export.
2. The CSV le of the Card Holder
data will be downloaded through the