Owner's Manual

Instant RAID
Linksys EtherFast
Nested Shares and Access Rights
Anyone with access to one share automatically has access to every share
beneath it. You can not provide access to an outer share while preventing
access to an inner share (figure 1). You can, however, deny access to an upper
share by granting a group’s access only to the shares beneath it (figure 2).
Because of this, shares access flows down, but does not flow up. Your most
sensitive data should therefore be stored in the outermost or upper share, not
in the innermost share.
Multiple Access Rights
Access to a share can be assigned to only one group, but nested shares may
result in multiple groups being able to share a file. If an individual user is in
two groups with different access rights, they would be able to receive the
Least Restrictive access permission.
For example, in Figure 1, if access to the uppermost share is assigned to
Group 1, and access to one of the folders beneath the uppermost share is
assigned to Group 2, Groups 1 and 2 will both have access to that second
share as well as all the shares beneath it.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Groups everyone
All users are automatically members of the everyone group. No user
can ever be removed from the everyone group unless the user is
entirely deleted. By default, this group has Read/Write access to the
public share. This can be changed, and access to other shares can be
granted or revoked. This group can never be deleted.
The administrator group always has Read/Write access to every
share. The admin user cannot be removed from this group, but other
users may be added or deleted. This group can never be deleted.
Shares HDD1
HDD1 is the administrative root folder, provided so the administra-
tor can backup all of the RAID’s data by simply backing up the con-
tents of this folder. The administrator group always has Read/Write
access to this share. This share can’t be deleted.
By default, the everyone group has Read/Write access to the public
folder. The public folder’s access rights can be changed, but it can’t
be deleted.
The Instant RAID allows a folder inside a share to also be configured as a
share. This allows the nesting of shares to any depth, just like the folders on
your PCs hard drive. If you use this feature, you need to be aware of the fol-
lowing points.
• In Windows’ Network Neighborhood, all shares are listed on the same level,
making the nesting completely invisible.
• Users cannot tell whether or not a sub-folder is in fact a nested share.
Nested Shares