User Manual

Changing the switch stand location
ou may choose to position the switch stand either inside or outside the loop of track. Follow
these steps and refer to Figure 3 to change the location of the switch stand.
1. Remove the two screws that secure the small roadbed section to the switch and lift away the
roadbed section.
2. Place the “blades,” or moving rails, in the proper position to make removing the switch
stand roadbed section easier.
If the switch stand is being removed from the curved side, the blades should be set to the
through/straight position.
If the switch stand is being removed from the straight side, the blades should be set to
the out/curve position.
3. Remove the two screws that secure the switch stand roadbed section to the switch. Please
note that these screws are located towards the inside edge of the switch stand roadbed
section. Lift away the switch stand roadbed section being careful to prevent the switch target
and handle from rotating more than a quarter turn. (The handle and target are labeled in
Figure 2 on page 2.)
4. Slide the blades to the opposite position to access the slot at the end of the switch control
arm. The blades are illustrated in Figure 2 on page 2.
5. Install the switch stand roadbed section at its new location. The posts on the switch should
be inserted into the holes on the switch stand roadbed section. The pin on the switch stand
mechanism should be inserted into the slot on the switch control arm. Insert the two screws
to secure the switch stand. Remove the switch target from the handle and replace in the
proper direction.
Painted target face should point toward straight exit when the blades are set in the
out/curved position.
6. Install the small roadbed section, securing it in place with the two screws.
7. Check for proper clearance of all locomotives and rolling stock. You may choose to move the
switch target from the switch stand for additional clearance.
Figure 3. Switch stand installation
Switch stand