User's Manual

Dec6 06 ny changes to text
Dec 12 06 ny text changes
Insert diagram 72 velocity throttle sequenced control here
Your TMCC 2 Velocity Throttle has a series of sequences that it can
reproduce any time you move it a certain way. You “load” a sequence by
making a certain move with the throttle. One example of this is when you
have a train moving along the track with momentum engaged and you
move the speed-graph target line to speed step one. The brakes come on.
You have loaded the auto-brake with Velocity Throttle Control. You did
that just by moving the target line to speed step one. You didn’t have to
watch the speed graph to know this because you heard the brake sounds.
They only are engaged when the target line is at speed step one on the
Velocity Throttle. When you hear the brake sound stop, your train is at
speed step one or ‘ROLL” condition. Now the engine will roll along at its
slowest speed with its bell ringing. That’s what it does in speed step one,
“ROLL” condition.
You are not limited to hearing brake sounds while your train is braking
towards speed step one. Just moving the Target line to speed step 2 will
stop the brake sound, although your train may still be slowing down to
speed step 2. You control the brake sound as your engine slows down. Just
keep the target line below the grey-bar (train speed) for deceleration and
you can add brake sound effects any time just by moving the target line
back to speed step one.
When the train arrives at speed step one, “Roll” Condition, brakes stop,
and bell starts.
As we have seen earlier, between Roll and Stop, there is a condition called
Trans- on the speed-graph. You get to Trans- just by turning the throttle
down one notch from “Roll”. It doesn’t affect the speed. You are still
rolling, but now the brake sounds are back on. One more turn of the
throttle counter-clockwise takes your train from Trans- to Stop. Now the
brake sounds stop and your train is right where you want to be. The bell
stops too, lettting you know motion has stopped.
Now you take one more trip with your train. It is rolling along at more
than half speed through your layout.
Your train is traveling at a speed that is above the A&D GATE, (default
speed step 100 or half-speed). That automatically loads the Arrival-
Departure sequence. Stop your train at a station. Now that your engine has
stopped and finished a high-speed trip, after a few seconds at stop, it will
perform an automatic “Blow-Down sequence”. A blow down sequence is