User's Manual

Dec 6 06 ny changes to text
Dec 13 06 ny changes to text
Welcome to the world of Lionel Legacy Command Control.
Congratulations on your purchase of this new operating system. It is the
system others will be judged by in the years to come.
The Lionel Legacy Control System controls every product made over the
history of LIONEL, 107 years at this date, in a way that is superior to any
control available. It is truly the Lionel Legacy Control System.
Contemporary control systems for all model train gauges have been
developed over the years to enhance your experience with electric trains.
Command control is the most advanced way to control a layout and many
operators are using command control systems on their layouts today.
This system is different. It integrates all of the new effects that Lionel has
made so popular. Sounds, smoke effects, servo-controlled speed and more
are easily accessed during the normal course of operation. The Lionel
Legacy Control System makes these features and effects available to you
in an unprecedented variety of operating possibilities.
The Lionel Legacy Control System improves operation of every LIONEL
ever made, starting in 1900. Enhanced speed resolution brings new realism
to our pre-war and post-war products, whether they are the originals that
made history, or the TMCC equipped engines and operating cars that
celebrated our heritage by bringing the latest technology to these great
products. This control system is another milestone in LIONEL history.
The Lionel Legacy Control System improves all of the interfaces operators
have become accustomed to using with modern command control trains.
The new real-time “quilling” Whistle-Horn control is a great example. In
place of our pioneering original method, pressing a button and triggering
an onboard sound device, or hearing a pre-recorded sound from an
electronic source, the Lionel Legacy Control System pioneers new control
of the warning sounds through a spring-loaded lever that makes it possible
for you to “play” the whistle just like real engineers did in the hey-day of
steam operations. But that’s not all. You will also experience
revolutionary new ways of controlling brake, boost, bell, direction,
switches, routes and more. It is all new.
The hallmark of this new Lionel system is simplicity. Yet under the
surface is a state of the art operating system with pioneering advances that