User's Manual

Then Select the radio channel for CAB-1L:
1. Remove the sliding cover over the SET key at the bottom front of the CAB-1L.
2. Hold down the SET key and press a number key (1 - 9) to pick the radio channel to transmit on.
3. The speaker will beep to give feedback when the channel is configured, either one beep if a base
responds, or three beeps if no base responds. The new channel number will be saved.
Both types of beeps mean that a channel has been configured, but if there happens to be a base
in range when the channel is set, then the one beep signal means that communication has been
established with the base. Three beeps means that no base responded when test commands were
transmitted by the CAB-1L during channel configuration. If this happens when a base is within range,
then it may be that the base is set to a different channel than the one you just selected for your CAB-
1L (see Base-1L channel selection).
Once you’ve heard the “single-beep” confirming your CAB-1L has connected to a Base (either
Base-1L or LEGACY Base) you’re all set. You can further confirm communication is working by
turning the throttle or pressing a button on your remote. The red LED on your base should illuminate
in response to incoming commands.
Once you start this process, make sure to change all remotes to the new channel
CAB-1L & Base-1L radio channel selection (continued)
Setting the communication channel