User Manual

Wire le ss LAN 802.11b /g De vic e
3. Select the General tab in the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box.
4. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/ IP) in the “This connection uses the following
items:” selection box.
5. Select Properties.
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears with the General tab
Figure 9: Internet Protocol (TCP/ IP) Propert ies dialog box
6. Verify that the following choices are selected:
Obtain an IP address automatically
Obtain DNS server address automatically
Note: Ob ta ining a n IP a ddre ss a uto ma tic a lly is re c o mme nde d. If sta tic IP a ddre ss
se tting s a re p re fe rre d, re fe r to yo ur o wn wire le ss ne two rk se tting s.
7. Select OK.
You are returned to the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box.
For instructions on how to set WEP security refer to Section 3.3.1. For instructions on how
to set WPA/WPA2 security refer to Section 3.3.2.