User Guide

Additional Power-On Operations
Authorization (For LTE Models only)
Before charging an electric vehicle, the LTE
model includes an RFID reader, which must
be authorized to begin the charging session.
This RFID reader is available on the right
side of the unit, showing the RFID symbol for
Auto Restart
When a charging session is interrupted due to
a temporary error condition, the charge point
will automatically restart charging when the
cause of the temporary error condition returns
to normal. Indicator lights will remain flashing
RED until the error condition is resolved.
- Temporary error conditions:
Over Current
Over Voltage
Under Voltage
Over Temperature
- For over current conditions: The
charging session will stop while Over
Current occurs. After 30 seconds of
recovery from Over Current, the charge
point will automatically restart charging
three times.
Power Outage Recovery
Please allow up to 15 minutes after power
resumes before the station will be ready
for charging. The delay is designed to avoid
impacting the utility grid when multiple charge
points are in the same area attempting to
resume charging simultaneously.