User's Manual

GM550 v1043 FCC-IC.doc Revision 2 51
Load Calibration: Load Pins, Line Riders and Compression Cells
Important! Load indication by load pins, line riders and compression cells must be
This procedure applies to load pins, line riders and compression cells. This procedure must be
followed at installation and every time thereafter the load sensor or load transmitter is changed.
Flat bar load links (part numbers GC005, GC012, GC018, GC035, GC060, GC100, GC170 etc.)
are factory calibrated, on site calibration is not required.
This procedure requires lifting two known weights. The first (light) weight should be about 10% of
load sensor capacity and not less than 5%. The second (heavy) weight should be over 50% of
capacity, the larger the better, and absolutely not less than 25%.
Step 1. Press Menu Next Next Next Enter Next Enter Enter to go to the
automatic value calibration wizard menu.
Step 2. Use Next to advance to the page showing the id number of the load sensor to be
calibrated and the sensor type “Load cell”.
Step 3. Press Enter, the display will verify communication with the load sensor.
Step 4. Press Next to start the load calibration wizard.
Wizard Step 1 of 9. Use Up and Down to adjust the
actual number of parts of line on
the load sensor.
Press Next.
Wizard Step 2 of 9. Use Up and Down to adjust the
weight units for load display.
Press Next.
Wizard Step 3 of 9. Lift the first (smaller) known load.
Press Next.
Wizard Step 4 of 9. Use Up and Down to adjust the
load value to display the first actual
known load lifted.
Press Next.
Wizard Step 5 of 9. Lower the first known load and
then lift the second (heavier)
known load.
Press Next.
Wizard Step 6 of 9. Use Up and Down to adjust the
load value to display the second
actual known load lifted.
Press Next.
Wizard Step 7 of 9. Note the new trim load value.
Press Next.
Wizard Step 8 of 9. Note the new scale load value.
Press Next
Wizard Step 9 of 9. Press Enter to send the new
calibration values to the load sensor. The display will briefly display
confirmation that the new calibration has been saved by the load
4B1)Automatic value
Calibration wizard
4B1A)No 1 id:G9999
Load cell
Load Calibration
Wizard. Press Next
1/9) enter actual
parts of line: 1
2/9) Confirm current
units pound (lb)
3/9) Lift known
load No 1: 2415
4/9) Adjust actual
load No 1: 2000
5/9) Lift known
load No 2: 7021
6/9) Adjust actual
load No 2: 6000
7/9) Calib Result
Trim: 42
8/8) Calib Result
9/9) Press Enter to
save calib in sensor