User's Manual

7 LS420 Universal User Manual V2.91 2003-01-21.doc
1) The tare function enables the operator to zero the hook and rigging weight.
The operating screen will show the net weight. Pushing the tare button accesses
the tare function. The tare can now be enabled, or disabled, by again pushing the
tare button. The hoist button allows the operator to scroll between the main and
the auxiliary hoists. When the tare function is not in use, the load displayed is preceded by the
hook and ball symbol: . With the tare function enabled, the tared load is displayed preceded
by the hook symbol: . When the tare function is enabled for any hoist the tare light will light.
2) When the battery status of a wireless sensor is displayed in the test function, press the tare
button to select and hold the radio power diagnostic screen.
Limit+ And Limit-
Pushing the limit+ or limit- button allows the operator to adjust the
limits coherent with the system configuration. For example: the
main and auxiliary hoist load limits, the boom and luffing jib angle
maximum and minimum limits and the wind speed maximum limit.
The hoist button allows the operator to scroll between these limits. Further use of the limit+
and limit- buttons will adjust the limit chosen accordingly. While adjusting a limit, if both limit
buttons are pressed simultaneously, that limit will return to a factory default value.
Pushing the test button engages the battery test function of the LS420 and per-
mits the adjustment of indicator light intensity, display screen contrast, and display
screen back-light. The display screen will report the crane battery status (for about
16 seconds) then successively the battery status of each sensor (for about 8 sec-
onds each). Pushing the test button advances from one battery report to the next, bypassing
the 8 second delay. Additionally, the intensity of the indicator lights may be adjusted using the
limit+ and limit- buttons during the first 8 seconds of the test function. The contrast of the dis-
play screen may be adjusted during the second 8 seconds using the limit+ and limit- buttons.
During the third 8 seconds use of the limit+ or limit- buttons will switch the back-light operation
between "automatic mode" and "always on". (The default automatic mode will switch the back-
light off or on, based on system temperature and portable batteries options. The "always on"
setting will force the back-light to stay lit.)
"Batt: 40%" indicates 40% of battery life remains. 40% typically represents several months of
battery life. Batteries should be changed when 10-20% of life remains.
"NoSignYet" indicates that a communication link with the sensor indicated has not yet been es-
"NoBattYet" indicates that a communication link has been established but battery life remaining
has not yet been measured. Battery measurement is a low priority task, many other functions
have a higher priority. Battery life remaining can usually be known within 5 minutes.
When less than 10% of battery life remains for any sensor the Low Batt indicator will light. Use
the test function to determine which sensor is implicated. Usually, several days or weeks of op-
eration remain from the moment the Low Batt indicator first lights.