User's Manual

27 LS420 Universal User Manual V2.91 2003-01-21.doc
3.2 Changing Angle Sensor Batteries V1.4
DO NOT change angle or wind sensor batteries with-
out first reading these instructions.
Many operators of LS401, 420, 425 and 2002 systems damage their
angle and wind sensors with incorrect battery changing procedures.
replace all three batteries of an angle or wind sensor at
the same time.
Replacing just one or two batteries will cause the unchanged
batteries to reverse polarity. This means that all batteries will need to be
changed again within the next couple of days or even hours
use an RTV non-corrosive silicone (available where auto
parts are sold) to reseal the box after batteries have been changed.
Many silicones give off corrosive gasses that destroy the battery contacts;
this renders the sensor useless.
ALWAYS remove the battery closest to the indicator light first, by
applying pressure to the NEGATIVE pole ( ) only.
When metal (i.e. a
screwdriver) touches the steel box and any battery pole other than the nega-
tive pole of the battery closest to the indicator light, a short is caused which
may burn the sensor's internal circuits.
all the instructions detailed below.
Carefully following every
step described below is the quickest, easiest way to successfully change bat-
teries without damaging the angle or wind sensor.
Batteries should be changed when reduced to 10 20 % of full charge.
An angle sensor must be re-calibrated after this procedure. Follow instructions in the angle
sensor installation chapter of this manual.
The following items are necessary to successfully change angle or wind sensor batteries:
a) Three new, high quality, alkaline “C” cell batteries (e.g. Duracell Ultra or Energizer E2).
b) A Phillips head screwdriver
c) A small knife
d) A flat head screwdriver
e) Optionally, a very small flat head screwdriver
f) An RTV non-corrosive silicone (available where auto parts are sold)
Step 1.
Remove the angle or wind sensor from the crane.
Step 2.
Clean off dust and grime.
During the following operations the interior of the angle or wind sensor box must be protected
from dirt and humidity at all times.