Install Instructions

11 Operating information (continued)
6. If flame is detected, it holds the firing rate steady for a few
seconds to let the flame stabilize, then it begins to modulate the
firing rate based on a set point or some other command.
7. Combi Models Only: If the space heating call for heat is active
and the DHW flow switch starts a DHW call for heat, the diverter
valve will move to the DHW position and the boiler will switch to
the DHW Mode. This will divert the boiler's outlet water from the
heating system to the brazed plate heat exchanger. The control
will then modulate to maintain the DHW outlet temperature at the
DHW set point.
Boiler Models Only: If the space heating call for heat is active,
and the tank thermostat or sensor starts a DHW call for heat, the
boiler will switch to the DHW mode. If programmed for normal
DHW operation (not as a zone), the DHW pump will turn on first,
then the boiler pump will turn off (boiler and DHW pump operation
briefly overlap to ensure flow is maintained through the unit). This
will divert the boiler’s outlet water from the heating system and
send it to the tank coil instead. The control will then modulate to
maintain the outlet temperature to the DHW boiler set point.
8. Once all calls for heat are satisfied, the control will turn off
the burner. The blower will continue to run during the postpurge
9. Any pumps that are running will continue to run for their
respective pump delay times before turning off. A 60 second
anti-cycle period will start, which will delay any new space
heating call for heat until it times out.
10. In Standby, ready to start a new cycle.
Installation & Service Manual
Sequence of operation (continued)