Full Product Manual

SECTION 3.10 23
3.10 Adding Secure Link
Lockly™ Secure Link adds live status monitoring and voice assistant control capabilities to your
Lockly™ Smart Lock. If you purchased a Secure Pro model, the Secure Link is included in your
package. For all other Lockly™ products, the Secure Link can be purchased and added
To set up the Lockly™ Secure smart lock with Secure Link Wi-Fi Hub and Door Sensor, launch
the Lockly™ App on your iOS or Android device. From the main menu drop down located on the
upper left of the screen, select “Add a New Device” then select “Secure Link Wi-Fi Hub”. Follow
the in-app instructions to set up your Secure Link.
To activate voice commands, you will need a Google Home Assistant or Amazon Alexa device
with Actions (Google) and Skill (Amazon) added before you can configure voice commands.