Installation Instructions

Tools Typically Required:
Utility knife, mixing tool/applicator (e.g. small flat plastic or wooden stick), disposable surface (e.g. foil, paper).
Safety Precautions:
Apply and cure in a well ventilated area. Wear gloves and wash hands after use.
Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from oil, wax and paint. Roughen smooth surfaces for better adhesion by sandblasting or
sanding with an emery cloth. Wash glass and ceramic surfaces with soap and water then rinse and let dry. Pre-fit parts to be joined.
Remove the plug from between the piston. Cut off the end tips of the syringe. Turn syringe end up and pull plunger back slightly
allowing air bubbles to rise to top. Press plunger to expel air. Depress the double piston to dispense equal parts of the two materials
on a disposable surface. Mix resin and hardener thoroughly until uniform in colour. Wipe syringe tips clean, retract piston slightly
and close with the plug. Ensure that the plug is always placed in the same orientation on the tips.
Apply a small amount of mixed adhesive to both surfaces, join and press together. Remove any excess glue immediately by wiping
with acetone. Support until bond sets in 5 to 12 minutes at room temperature. For best results, clamp or secure as required for 1
hour. Usable strength in 12 hours. Full cure and strength in 24 hours. Moderate heat will speed hardening while cooler temperatures
will require a longer set time.
Clean excess glue immediately with acetone before adhesive sets. Cured adhesive may be cut away with caution using a sharp
blade. Prolonged immersion in paint stripper will soften the cured adhesive to aid removal. Note: Acetone is highly flammable and
not compatible with all surfaces. Follow manufacturer’s instructions and test on small area before applying.

Summary of content (1 pages)