Operation Manual

Loewe bild
User handbook
Some text pages, e.g., live tickers, will be permanently updated. In
order to keep track of changes and also to be able to watch the TV
programme at the same time you may hide the Teletext temporarily
and can still remain informed on updates of the page.
 Mark
OK confirm.
The future behaviour of the News function depends
on the type of the Teletext page:
In case of Full screen Teletext pages the Teletext will
be hidden. In the bottom right corner, there will be a
symbol for the activated news function.
A screen message appears when the contents of the
page has changed.
Show updated page,
 Select yes or no.
OK Confirm selection.
In case of Teletext pages which cover only a part of the
Teletext page, e.g., News tickers, the respective part
will be faded in and permanently updated.
End News function
OK show Teletext again.
BACK: exit Teletext.
The Teletext page has
been updated. Would
you like to see it now?
yes no