Technical Specs

GPRS counter
You can view the data of last sent, last received, all sent and all received.
5.2 Multimedia
You can view the pictures in the T-card by this function. Press the direction key to choose them and left
soft key edit the pictures. Press right soft key to return last interface.
Use this function to play video files. By pressing the direction key can you control the playing process
of video player: play/pause
OK key
,switch to last song/next video
press up or down direction key). In
video player interface, you can press left and right direction keys to control volume.
FM radio
You can use the application as a traditional FM radio with automatic tuning and saved channels. Before
using it, you should insert the earphone as antenna. In FM radio interface, left or right direction key to search
channels manually, OK key to play/pause the playing process of the current channel.
5.3 Contacts
The mobile phone can store up to 300 telephone numbers. The telephone numbers that a SIM card can
store depends on the storage capacity of the SIM card. The telephone numbers stored in the mobile phone
and in the SIM cards form a phonebook. The phonebook search function enables you to view contacts. You