User Manual

Connecting devices to the USB hub
usb_hub.htm[9/10/2014 11:03:25 AM]
Connecting devices to the USB hub
If your keyboard doesn't have integrated USB ports, ignore this topic.
Your keyboard contains an integrated USB self-powered hub containing external USB ports. This is ideal for connecting up to other
devices, for two reasons:
It frees up your computer's USB ports. You can connect devices to your keyboard, such as a joystick and headset, instead of
using up your computer's USB ports.
It's so convenient. You can use your keyboard's USB ports to temporarily connect devices like memory sticks, because your
keyboard's ports may be more easily accessible than your computer's USB ports.
Some keyboard models have a self-powered USB hub. These keyboard models can be used to connect devices that use a total of
up to 100mA. These typically include USB keyboards, mice, memory sticks, digital cameras, and many gamepads, joysticks and
headsets. You can check the label on a device to see the power requirements for that device. Examples of devices that will not
work when plugged directly into your keyboard's self-powered hub include some video cameras, scanners, and gamepads that
support rumble/vibration effects. If you connect a high-power device to your keyboard, the device is shown as disabled and a
message is displayed that indicates why the device is not operating. Disconnect the device from the keyboard's USB port reconnect
it to a different USB port that supplies enough power.