User Manual

Profiles help
customizing_gkeys.htm[9/10/2014 11:03:27 AM]
Profiles help
Your gaming device features G-keys/buttons that you can customize.
To get the most from your device's G-keys/buttons, use the Profiles View in the Logitech
Gaming Software. See Using the Profiles
View for information.
Here's a taste of what you can do when customizing G-keys/buttons:
Scan your computer for installed games that Logitech has already made a profile for, and automatically assign the profiles to
them. See Using profiles
Create one profile for each of your games (and other applications). See To create a new profile.
Record complex, multi key macros. See Recording multi key macros.
Assign macros, and other commands, to G-keys/buttons of your choice. See Assigning commands to G-keys/buttons.
Exchange game profiles with other gamers. See To export a profile and To import a profile.
When the Logitech Gaming Software is running, the icon is displayed in the Menu Bar Extras. If the Logitech Gaming Software
isn't running then your device's G-keys and M-keys won't work.
Your device's G-keys/buttons are just part of its arsenal of advanced gaming technology designed to enhance your gaming. See
Using my device
for an overview of what's available.